Are you or your partner suffering from Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)?
Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction is the result of spending time watching pornographic videos and masturbating. This combination provides an intense dopamine experience that cannot be matched by real world people, no matter how attractive. In addition, the endless nature of the pornographic images allow for multiple attractive actors performing in carefully crafted videos depicting all kinds of sexual encounters designed to maximise the intensity of the hyper-aroused state in the viewer.
As such a state and such stimulation is unlikely to be matched in the real world, arousal becomes more difficult by real world experiences. These are some of the experiences that someone with Porn effected sexual response may experience:
1. Inability to achieve as good an erection with a partner as with pornography,

2. Disinterest in real sexual activity,
3. A preference to masturbate to pornography over experiencing intimacy with a partner,
4. Anxiety about keeping an erection during sex and/or difficultly in achieving orgasm,
5. Taking a long time to ejaculate,
6. Finding imagery arousing, but not real people or sex in real life.
How is Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction Caused?
The combination of viewing and masturbating leads to a desensitisation of the overall sexually aroused state. The duration and masturbation techniques, possibility involving ‘edging’, also contribute to an overall desensitisation that is both physical, as well as psycho-sexual. Edging is a well-know technique for helping with premature ejaculation. It helps to learn to delay orgasm. However, when this is combined with the intensity of pornography, the consequences are likely to be detrimental to normal sexual functioning with real partners over time.
Can a Sex Therapist help with PIED?
While most men realise that stopping viewing pornography will eventually result in restoration of normal sexual functioning, some men find they are left feeling anxious about their ability to perform. Such anxiety in itself may present as a complication in recovery that can be treated by a well qualified specialist Sex Counsellor. In addition, some men find the return of their functioning takes longer than expected; in some cases over 12 months. This can lead to relationship issues. Again, a Sex Therapist can assist in getting the recovery right.
Both new and established relationships can be effected by PIED. As a result, the couple may need counselling and therapy to repair damage caused to the relationship. Someone in a new relationship may need support, assistance and therapy to help restore normal sexual functioning and confidence with their new partner. A Sex Therapist can assist with all of these concerns.
Addiction to pornography can also present problems, which a Sex Therapist can also help to overcome.
Can Hypnotherapy help with PIED?
In addition to other therapeutic interventions, Hypnotherapy can offer an excellent means to overcome anxiety and stimulate natural sexual desire and arousal, by helping to restore a more helpful neurological network and behavioural pattern. This often assists in restoring confidence to lead a normal healthy sex life.
What can you do now to get over your PIED?
Jeremy is a Sex Therapist, Counsellor and Hypnotherapist, offering a range of options to reach the best outcomes sooner. He specialises in helping men with both pornography addictions and its’ effects. Making an appointment with Jeremy is all that is needed to take the next step and begin to feel better immediately. You can do this by filling in the form in the sidebar, calling 9518 9912, or via the chat widget if available in the bottom right of the screen.

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