Hypnotherapy For Flying Phobias
The most common phobia I help people with is a Flying Phobia
There are many people who suffer from a fear of flying – many more than you realise.
Many more people than you realise feel better about flying because of Hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy has given these people the relief they needed from…
tension, thoughts, sleeplessness, worry, anxiety, fear and panic
…all caused by a Fear of Flying.
What is it like to have a fear of flying?
Even though a part of you probably understands that flying is completely safe, it still may not feel that way. This is because, for another part of your mind, flying is very unsafe and you could die easily from it. In fact, this part of your mind might make you think that the plane could crash, you could fall from the plane, or the plane could simply fall from the sky. The possibilities are endless.
You could also simply be fearful of anxiety and panic itself because of the embarrassment that might cause you or because of the feelings anxiety and panic give you. There are many variations on these experiences. The possibilities are endless. Hypnotherapy can change all of this forever.
If you have a fear of flying you might experience any or all of the following:
- Panic/dread at the mere thought of flying
- Disbelief that aeroplanes actually do stay in the air
- Concern that a very large tin can carrying 500 or so passengers can actually fly
- Concern that you will make a fool of yourself if you were to panic on a flight
- A need to escape the aeroplane
- Absolute fear and terror
- Mild feelings of panic or anxiety
- Horrible tension while flying
- Hyper-vigilance – where you are constantly looking around to see that everything is alright
- Or other experiences – the possibilities are endless.
Can hypnotherapy for flying phobias help me?
It really doesn’t matter how big or small your discomfort with flying is, you can get help to make you feel more comfortable with it.
Hypnotherapy with Jeremy can help you feel much more comfortable and relaxed with flying, so that you can focus more on your destination and the times ahead. Business trips and holiday travel can become so much more rewarding and even fun!
Jeremy specialises in helping people to overcome fears, anxiety and phobias with flying. Call 9518 9912 or fill in the contact form on the right of this page to request an appointment today.

Call me on 9518 9912
Registered and Accredited
- Clinical Supervisor