Hypnotherapy can assist in many ways to help you regain control over your use of alcohol. Thousands of people have used hypnotherapy to either cut down on their alcohol intake or stop altogether. There are different levels of control that alcohol can have over somebody ranging from it being merely an unhealthy habit or an aid to feeling socially more confident, to a dependency or even an alcohol addiction. A highly successful way to help you with alcohol use, or even alcoholism, is hypnotherapy.
Most people underestimate the hold that alcohol has over them until they decide to modify their drinking habits and find they cannot. Hypnotherapy can make taking control over alcohol so much easier by taking out the struggle. For others hypnotherapy can help them to stop drinking altogether for either a period of time, or forever. Whatever you need hypnotherapy to do, it can do it for you. Hypnotherapy is extremely effective and has helped many people with their alcoholism.
How does Hypnotherapy help alcoholism?
Hypnotherapy is a natural state that allows for deep changes to occur. It allows for your determination and commitment to be a controlled/non-drinker to take hold and for you to take back control over your life and behaviour. It also assists with urges, thoughts and habits around drinking, addressing the addictiveness of alcohol.
How does Hypnotherapy help?
Hypnotherapy is a natural state that allows for deep changes to occur. It allows for your determination and commitment to be a controlled/non-drinker to take hold and for you to take back control over your life and behaviour. It also assists with urges, thoughts and habits around drinking, addressing the addictiveness of alcohol.
In summary, hypnotherapy helps you to:
- Stop Drinking
- Regain Control
- Release Urges
- Feel more mentally and phsycially relaxed without alcohol
- Resolve any guilt from damage alcoholism has caused you and the people you care about
- Build Confidence
- Resolve any related underying issues
Degrees of addiction
How you need to change your drinking may depend on your level of use. It may help to consider which of the following categories you fit into:
Which category do you fit into?
It’s just a bad habit.
Many people see a Hypnotherapist because they want to change their drinking habits. They’re not addicted to alcohol, they just need assistance to stop or cut back because of health or weight concerns.
I lose control of my drinking once I have had a few.
Some people notice that once they begin drinking, they cannot stop. This might be a sign that something is wrong. There might be underlying anxiety or depression that is beginning to crave the alcohol. It might be time to consider if you are developing an addiction and losing control.
Every now and then I really get drunk.
Binge drinking is a form of alcoholism. If you can stop, then you should consider this an option. People often tell themselves that everything is alright because they are not drinking every day. Binge drinking can be more damaging that drinking regularly in small amounts.
I think I have a problem.
If you think you have a problem, then you probably do. You should talk to a health professional. Friends may not understand how you feel, as there is a lot of social pressure to drink. If you tell your friend you have a problem, that might mean they have a problem, too. So, they might tell you you don’t have a problem, when actually you do. Best advice is to either stop drinking or seek help to stop if you cannot.
It’s ruining my life/hurting the people I love.
While I help people in all of the above categories, this is the most common time when people come to me for assistance. Concerns about neglecting children or partner through emotional distancing caused by intoxication from alcohol is a common concern. Not only is drinking alcohol a poor example for children, people who are drunk are not themselves, and their children can tell. Children become scared and unsure of their parents. Couples may also argue and fight, all because of the alcohol. Hypnotherapy has been extremely successful in helping people control or stop drinking.
The risks from drinking alcohol
Liver disease
The liver filters alcohol from the body. Regular consumption of alcohol can damage the liver, particularly when it cannot keep up with the amount of alcohol consumed. Consequences include a fatty liver, where fatty cells can build up. This can progress on to alcoholic hepatitis, where the liver swells and becomes damaged. Finally, cirrhosis of the liver is where the liver tissue becomes scarred. This is the most serious consequence to your liver from heavy drinking. Up to 20% of heavy drinker have cirrhosis of the liver. Once this occurs, alcoholic damage to the liver cannot be reversed.
Brain damage
Anyone who has drunk enough alcohol experiences how it affects memory, speech, sight, judgment and cognitive functioning. Drinking enough over a longer period can result in longer term impairment. In fact, the brain can continue to deteriorate until one can no longer care for themselves. There are many factors that affect the extent to which the brain becomes damaged from alcohol consumption. These include:
- amount and frequency of alcohol consumption;
- the age you start drinking and duration of the habit;
- age, education, gender, genetic background, and family history of alcoholism;
- risk of prenatal alcohol exposure;
- level of general health.
Scientific studies have demonstrated that there is an increased likelihood of developing cancer resulting from alcohol consumption. Risk of cancer of the mouth, throat and oesophagus is particularly increased as a result of drinking . Other risks include cancer of the stomach, colon and rectum, liver, breast and ovary.
Disruption to diet and nutritional intake
Alcohol is full of calories. This means that for drinkers to maintain a reasonable weight, they must reduce the intake of appropriate foods. Studies have shown that drinkers often have less healthy nutrients in their diet compared to non-drinkers.
Other substance use such as smoking or cocaine
Not only is there is a strong link between the use of drugs as a gateway to other drugs, but there is also a link between alcohol fuelling the desire to use other stimulants, such as cocaine – for those who are users. So, someone with a cocaine addiction who can stay free of cocaine as long as they do not drink, may have no control once the effects of alcohol take hold.
Unwanted sexual activity
As alcohol impairs judgment, decreases inhibitions and increases sexual arousal, particularly in women, there can be much regret subsequent to a drunken evening. As alcohol impairs memory and can induce periods of not remembering, sexual activity can result that would not normally have happened had there been more sobriety. Women, particularly, are vulnerable to predatory behaviour and are susceptible to other drugged inducements to unwitting sexual experiences.
Sexually Transmitted Infections & AIDS
Alcohol consumption can result in an increased risk of several infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This in because alcohol consumption can result in more risky sexual behaviour, including having unprotected sex. Alcohol consumption also weakens the immune system, having a negative impact on treatment.
Physical injury
Physical injury can result from the consumption of alcohol as it impacts on the body. Other injuries can occur from driving, experiencing falls or even burns in the kitchen. The possibilities are endless.
Domestic Abuse & Neglect – Physical and Verbal
Where there is alcoholism, domestic violence or neglect can result. Violence and unresolved conflict can become more apparent as emotions become heightened. Children may be the subject of abuse or neglect, as they observe the changes in their parents who they see becoming intoxicated. Conflict between parents, particularly if violent, can be traumatising for all concerned.
Withdrawal, anxiety, depression, panic attacks
While alcohol may seem to relieve stress and negative thoughts initially, it can result in those symptoms becoming worse. Over time, alcohol itself can cause depression, anxiety and even self harming. In more extreme cases, suicide and psychosis can result. In the UK, it is estimated that 70% of all male suicides are alcohol related.
For further information about Hypnotherapy and Alcoholism (or any Addiction),
or to make an appointment:
1. Call (02) 9518 9912
2. Use the message box in the side bar

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