Hypnotherapy is a recognised treatment for:
Pain Management – Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis can be used to reduce chronic pain or even eliminate it, reducing or doing away with medication. Clients learn self-hypnosis so that they can learn to reduce pain themselves.
Anxiety and Stress Relief – Anxiety and stress are apart of our existence. But when they become overwheling, that’s when help is needed. Jeremy uses hypnotherapy to treat the cause of your anxiety leading to lasting and permanent change. Clients are taught self-hypnosis and are given the tools they can use to manage anxiety and stress as it arises.
Depression – Clients suffering reactive depression can have this treated through hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and counselling.
Sleep Issues – Sleep disturbances, including insomnia, can be greatly assisted, if not completely resolved with the help of hypnotherapy. Imagine a peaceful night’s sleep with the help of hypnotherapy. Click here for more information of Hypnotherapy for insomnia.
Other conditions Jeremy helps people with include:
Sexual dysfunction | Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Headaches | Back pain
TMJ Pain | Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) | Gagging | Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Clients’ Comments
“Hi Jeremy,
I still feel great. I cannot believe it! I am MYSELF again, I can enjoy things and I am smiling, full of energy and plans.
Thank you, Jeremy. “ JM Student
Thank you very much. You’ve helped me to get through.
I did not see the future, but I’ve reached calmness and hope. I am ready to start building my future again. I’ve been processing this session in my dreams at night, and I was still floating, but not in the emptiness – there were the stars around.
You wanted the feedback Your first session with me was brilliant, and I’ve felt great after it, so completely different This was a miracle.”
Computer Programmer
Dear Jeremy,
I wanted to write to you to give you big thankyou. You may recall I came and saw you for my phobia of high blood pressure when I was pregnant with my first child around July last year. I was sceptical that hypnotherapy would work but after the few sessions we had I went to the doctors and was surprised as my blood pressure dropped to a normal level. Each time I had another anti natal check up I expected my blood pressure would eventually become an issue like it had always been in the past. On the way to the doctors I would have prior to my hypnotherapy completely tensed up and been a mess by the time I got the doctors office causing my blood pressure to sky rocket. This of course was not the case after my treatment with you. I had a fantastic pregnancy with no problems, my doctors were amazed at my turn around and tried not to question it suffice to say they were very pleased and so was I. I gave birth to a healthy girl on 07/03/07 at 1:53am after a long 32 hour labour but it was all worth it. My daughter is a blessing beyond what I ever could have imagined, she is just perfect. I am so happy I sort your services and they worked so well for me I just wanted to thank you officially for helping me with an issue which had plagued me for so long and was so easily fixed. As a confirmation of how well my treatment went I had my final post natal check up with my GP on Tuesday this week and she sprung me with a lets take your blood pressure, a smile beamed across her face as she told me that my blood pressure remains normal. So once again thankyou.
Jodie Meilding
Hi Jeremy,
I just wanted to thank you for the huge difference you’ve made in my life. I can’t tell you how much better my IBS has been since our last session. I use your cd when I need it, and it’s like a new lease on life. I am so glad that I went to see you! I am doing really well sticking to eating things that are good for me and looking after myself, and I have had very few digestive problems for weeks now, it’s great! I took the garbage out all by myself the other day, and even though I still don’t love spiders, I don’t ever feel the panic that I used to, nor have I had any nightmares.
I wish you all the best, and thanks again!